to Mar 22


  • Google Calendar ICS

BREAKING NEWS! As of 3/1/2025 we have received a MATCHING DONATION (up to $15,000) from DENISE SHANK for the Silent Auction!!!! Thank you, Denise!!!!!!!!!!

Check out the items for our Annual Spring Auction! New items are listed as donations are received! What items will you pick out when the auction goes live on March 19?

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to Dec 11

Colorado Gives!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Estes Valley Crisis Advocates provides free valuable services for victims of crime and trauma in the Estes Valley-for our locals and our visitors.  We could not do this important work without your help. Your tax-deductible donation supports our programs such as My sister's place safehouse, crisis advocacy, bi-lingual outreach, community outreach as well as much more!    Please make a one time or monthly donation at Colorado Gives.

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to Jun 30


  • ROCKCUT Brewing Company (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Head on over to Rock Cut Brewing Company at 390 W Riverside Drive, Estes Park, CO 80517 and try their Altruism German-Style Amber. Rock Cut is donating $1 to EVCA for every Altruism sold through the end of the quarter (June 30th).

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to Dec 6


  • Google Calendar ICS

The Estes Valley Crisis Advocates (EVCA) were awarded the 2023 Shavlik Nonprofit of the Year at the National Philanthropy Day Celebration in Estes Park on December 9, 2023

This Holiday Season consider donating to your local nonprofit the Estes Valley Crisis Advocates through!

Now through December 5th, you can become a new recurring donor to the EVCA through and the EVCA will receive matching donations up to $100 through the Colorado Gives Foundation. These funds will help our organization with financial means to help those in our community and beyond who are experiencing adverse situations and are in need of resources and services. 

Colorado Gives Day 2023

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to Sep 30

Rock Cut Gives Back!

  • Rock Cut Brewing Company (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Head on over to Rock Cut Brewing Company at 390 W Riverside Drive, Estes Park, CO 80517 and try their Altruism German-Style Amber. Rock Cut is donating $1 to EVCA for every Altruism sold through the end of the quarter (September 30th).

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Online Silent Auction Fundraiser
to Apr 16

Online Silent Auction Fundraiser

This multi-day auction event will showcase local businesses that offer great services and products to community members while supporting the mission of EVCA to provide free advocacy services to survivors of crime and trauma including safe housing for domestic violence survivors, counseling, referrals and community education.

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The Rotary Duck Race 2022
10:00 AM10:00

The Rotary Duck Race 2022

The annual Estes Park Duck Race has returned more than $2.4 million to local charities and organizations!

The process is simple. You adopt a duck for a fee of $22, and $19 for every duck you adopt will benefit the charity of organization you select at the time of adoption. The more duck adoptions sold by the individual charities and organizations the more money they can raise! Our 2021 Duck Race raised $118,579 for our organizations. You can benefit Estes Valley Crisis Advocates directly by adopting a duck for this years Duck Race!

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Spring Into Advocacy 2022
1:30 PM13:30

Spring Into Advocacy 2022

In lieu of some of our in-person fundraisers this year, Estes Valley Crisis Advocates will be hosting an online silent auction through on March 14-19, 2022.

NOTE: All items are valued by Donor, not EVCA.

The week-long auction event will showcase local businesses that offer great services and products to community members while supporting the mission of EVCA to provide advocacy services to survivors of trauma and crime.

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Support Group
to Sep 16

Support Group

  • Estes Valley Investment In Childhood Support (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the pandemic many people have experienced loss, isolation, and all around feel more disconnected from their peers than before. Estes Valley Crisis Advocates is hosting a support group for anyone looking for an opportunity to reconnected to our community. COVID has taken so much from us and it is only fair to hold space and recognition for that reality. If you feel at a loss when it comes to the pandemic, join EVCA at EVICS every Friday from 2 pm - 3 pm.

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Claire's Fundraiser
5:30 PM17:30

Claire's Fundraiser

Join EVCA at Claire's for a 5 course meal with a whisky pairing for each dish and musical guest Jon Pickett! 100% of sponsorship and ticket sales will be donated to Estes Valley Crisis Advocates so we can continue serving victims of crime and trauma completely free and confidential.

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Knitting Support Group
6:00 PM18:00

Knitting Support Group

Knitting is proven to be meditative and helps to reduce stress. If you know how to knit, or would like to learn how to knit, while having a safe space to discuss life's stressors come join us the 1st and 3rd Monday starting March 23 at 6 PM at the EVCA outreach office, 1732 Mountain View Court. This support group is open to anyone who is interested. If you have your own yarn, needles, and/or project please bring them, otherwise yarn and needles provided for newbies.We will be making a cowl or a scarf. $10.00 donation suggested for needles and yarn. Class taught by Deb, current Crisis Advocate at Estes Valley Crisis Advocates and former owner of Neota Designs Weaving and Yarn Studio.

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LGBTQIA+ Social & Support Group
6:00 PM18:00

LGBTQIA+ Social & Support Group

This is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ identities ages 18+ to discuss their personal experiences with either sexual identity and/or gender identity. Discuss LGBTQIA+ issues and how to better improve resources for LGBTQIA+ individuals in Estes Park. Come connect, discuss, & have fun! These meetings occur from 6-7p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. For more information call 970-577-9781 or email

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2nd Annual Cocktail Party benefiting Estes Valley Crisis Advocates
5:00 PM17:00

2nd Annual Cocktail Party benefiting Estes Valley Crisis Advocates

Presented by Claire's Restaurant and Elkins Whisky

Join us for a benefit night of finger foods and whisky pairings by Chef Brink of Claire’s Restaurant & Bar and Elkins Whisky. There will be live music and door prizes available to win! Drop by or stay for the whole time.

Tickets are $100 per person, available for purchase at Claire’s Restaurant & Bar, Elkins Whisky, or at the EVCA Office. 100% of the proceeds will go to Estes Valley Crisis Advocates programming.

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to Jan 19

New Volunteers Training - Session 1

Interested in becoming a member of the Estes Valley Crisis Advocates volunteer team?

Join us for our 1st quarter volunteer training weekend. We will cover the in-person portion of the required 40 hours training to become a on-call crisis response volunteer, as well as office training for in-office and safe house volunteers. Training will be as follows:

Friday, January 17th: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday, January 18th: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday, January 19th: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Please RSVP to this training to by January 14th, 2020

Interested in our Volunteer Program? Visit out Volunteer Inquiry page for more information!

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Give Back Thursday
11:00 AM11:00

Give Back Thursday

25% of daily sales on Thursday, January 2nd, 2020 at Mama Roses’s and Poppy’s Pizza & Grill gets donated back to Estes Valley Crisis Advocates!

Treat yourself, your family, or your entire workplace to some delicious pizzas and sandwiches, or a hearty bowl of pasta and salad! 25% of the lunch and dinner sales (including take-out orders and gift cards!) gets donated back to Estes Valley’s ONLY community advocacy and domestic violence safe housing program, EVCA!

Dine Good, Do Good

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EVCA's Annual SOUPer Fundraiser
5:00 PM17:00

EVCA's Annual SOUPer Fundraiser

  • Estes Valley Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Estes Valley Crisis Advocates for the Annual Fundraiser on Thursday, October 17th from 5:00-7:30pm!

Please join us for our SOUPer Fundraiser benefiting the mission and programs provided by Estes Valley Crisis Advocates. Bring the family and enjoy a cup of hearty soup and salad. Stay as long or as brief as you’d like. Our Board of Directors, Staff, and Volunteers will be available to answer questions and provide you with updates.

If you are unable to attend and would like to contribute to our mission and programs, you may do so at:

If you are interested in becoming a Business Sponsor for our event, please call 970-577-9781 or email

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Women's Empowerment Support Group
3:15 PM15:15

Women's Empowerment Support Group

Join EVCA Advocates Kathy and Jess as they host the new Women’s Empowerment Group held weekly on Wednesday’s at 3:15 pm in the Hondius Room at the Estes Valley Library

Join our group of compassionate women in a safe and judgement-free environment where you can discover your voice, address personal and societal struggles, and empower one-another, together.

For more information contact or call us at 970-577-9781.

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Women's Empowerment Support Group
3:15 PM15:15

Women's Empowerment Support Group

Join EVCA Advocates Kathy and Jess as they host the new Women’s Empowerment Group held weekly on Wednesday’s at 3:15 pm in the Hondius Room at the Estes Valley Library

Join our group of compassionate women in a safe and judgement-free environment where you can discover your voice, address personal and societal struggles, and empower one-another, together.

For more information contact or call us at 970-577-9781.

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SUPPORT GROUP: Healing Through Writing
10:15 AM10:15

SUPPORT GROUP: Healing Through Writing

Whether your trauma is divorce, illness, grief, or stress, writing about your experiences can relieve stress. improve mood and health, and better your understanding of the event.

The Healing Through Writing group will meet every Wednesday morning in the Hondius Room at the Estes Valley Library.

This group will be hosted by EVCA Volunteer Judy Archibald. Judy is an Estes Park writer with nearly 1,000 published articles in national magazines, and several published book, including a fictional novel that helped her get through her own trauma.

For additional information on the Healing Through Writing group, contact EVCA at (970) 577-9781 or

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